Then. Then the hair grows back. The itching starts. The bumps are painful. And I tell My Mr.: NEVER. AGAIN. Until about 1 year goes by and I do it all over again.
So, at the beginning of this journey I was posed with the same question: Please, will you shave for me? I decided to go ahead and do it. I had him trim me with a beard trimmer then took to the bathtub to shave it bare. I managed to give myself a good shave and made the resolution that I would do this about every 2-3 days to avoid many of the problems that I encountered before.

Coochy is about the consistency of hair conditioner (and you can even use it as that if you would like). I got it in the Green Tea scent and it smells almost exactly like Elizabeth Arden's Green Tea perfume. It is a little strong, but still has a really soothing scent.
The Protection Mist has a much more pungent "herbal" scent, but once it dries it's gone and you are still left smelling like your Coochy Cream. The purpose of this spray is that it will leave a smooth layer of protection between your freshly shaven skin and your clothing to avoid irritation. I've found this even works on freshly shaven legs, which I decided to test since I have such terribly dry skin in the winter. But, at the price, I do not do this every time I shave.
(For both of these products you will want to check out the ingredients on both items to make sure you are not allergic to anything before purchasing...these ingredients are available on the product pages linked throughout.)
I was really excited to try this out. It came in the mail, in Eden's, usual discreet packaging, and I had it up in the bathroom within minutes. I knew this was coming so I didn't shave for a couple of days. I used a fresh razor, which is always important to avoid problems with nicks and razor burn. I got a really smooth shave! I was in love! After showering and drying off, I used the Protection Mist, which has a 360-degree spray ability (which I think is really nice) and let it dry. I got dressed and didn't even have the chafing that naturally happens to me when I put on panties after I shave. (It's not usually bad, but I definitely can feel the material rubbing against the sensitive, exposed skin.)
After about 2 weeks of using this product I was having some difficulties with shaving. More irritation than usual and not getting as close as I would like. I did find that changing to the Venus disposable razors for sensitive skin did help and I also now do a preliminary shave with my body wash, then switch to the Coochy to get the closer shave. This helped a lot and I got the closest, smoothest shave I've ever managed.
All in all, I would recommend this product to someone who wants to shave delicate skin, and I have already recommended it to friends. The cream offers a nice layer of protection between your skin and the blade. The mist offers protection from your clothing on freshly shaven skin. Two solid wins for me!
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