The Harmonia by Close2You, evokes much of the same feelings. I read every review available on Eden Fantasys before deciding to purchase this lovely piece. It seemed that everyone who had tried it had managed to find their g-spot and have orgasms with this and I needed a piece of that action! Finally, I received my Holiday Coupon from Eden, converted my points, used all my accrued gift cards, and put it into the cart (along with a few other choice items).
Let me talk about this packaging for a minute, okay? Beautiful white box that is nice, quality cardboard. There are two drawers. The first contains the Harmonia, which comes nestled in a sturdy foam inset. The drawer below it is where all the accessories are. It comes with a beautiful purple velvet bag; a sample of their water-based lube, Glissando (which EF does not carry); a purple silicone cock ring; batteries; and a toy wipe. Yay! Gifts with purchase!
We have tried everything except the toy wipe. Their lube is very smooth, albeit a little runny. Similar to Astroglide. The cock ring was nice and stretchy and we were able to get it all the way around My Mr.'s package with very pleasing results. The batteries ran out quickly; they basically lasted one use for me, but I also did not remove them from my toy after use, so I don't know if they would have lasted if I'd been more careful.
This is such a nice toy. It is made from a delightfully smooth silicone. There is a seam in the center but you don't even notice it at all. One of my favorite things about this toy is that there are two separate buttons. One for "On/Off" and one to go through the vibrations and patterns. This means if you're done, you don't have to cycle through, you can just turn it off. There is no memory, however, so if you pass your pattern, you'll have to go cycle through it to get back to it.
One thing I should mention is that Close2You's idea behind these toys (others include the Opus, Sinfonia, Legamento, and Rhapsodia) is music. So if you are at all musically adept or have studied any kind of music theory, you will hear music in the patterns. Now I will go through the vibrations and patterns with you:
- Low straight vibrations
- Medium straight vibrations
- High straight vibrations
- Escalating vibrations with a short pause between cycles (do re miiii)
- Short pulsing vibrations in a basic 4/4 time. (do do do do)
- Escalates upwards then three short pulses (think, do re mi fa fa fa), then cycles through
- Six short pulses, then one long vibration, then cycles through (doo doo doo doo doo doo dooooooooooo)
- Shorter steady vibration, then four shorter pulses and a longer steady vibration, then it pauses and starts again. (duuuuum dum dum dum dum duuuuummmmm)
Since learning about my not-very-erectile g-spot, the design of this toy is kind of perfect for my body. It's long enough to get to my sweet spot while still having enough of the handle to control the toy, and the large bulb really hits my g-spot nicely. And as a bigger woman, I have to say that it's very user-friendly.
Clean up is easy too. Just a quick wash with your favorite toy cleaner (mine is Climax Bursts), or warm water and a mild soap, and you're good to go. (If you're planning on sharing this, you can also spray it down with a 10% bleach solution and sterilize it.) It does collect a bit of lint, so you want to at least rinse it off before you use it. Please, please only use water-based lubricants with this toy. You do not want to damage such a lovely piece of orgasmic art.
Since music is the theme of this toy, I took the liberty of looking up the word "Harmony" on Yes, I already knew what the word meant, but I wanted to get a little technical. The third definition is the most fitting. Quite simply, it says "agreeable sounds." Well, I think My Mr. can confirm that the noises I make when using this is quite agreeable indeed!